Pimp my GitHub profile

Published: March 6th, 2021

Most likely everybody around already found out how to setup a customized GitHub profile by now. But you can do a lot more than just add some text to your profile. What I did on my profile page and how to setup everything, I will show you in this article.

Black and white picture showing a desk with a laptop and a coffee cup in front of a masonry wall

Basic setup of a GitHub profile page

To get your profile running, you only need some plain setup:

As soon as you push your changes to your public main branch, your profile will be visible to everyone!

Add some beef to the profile

Now you have many options available, you can just go with a very simple "Hello world" edited in GitHubs file editor or you can do a bit more and place some information about yourself and start doing things in your IDE.

To get started with Markdown, you should have a look at this Markdown Cheatsheet on GitHub. If you work with Visual Studio Code you can have some comfort while editing and previewing Markdown files by using a Plugin called Markdown Preivew Enhanced.

Custom tech badges

Most of us will want a nice possibility to display technologies of our daily work or you are profound with. I use two nice services named Shields and Simple Icons. With those two combined you can create really awesome looking badges.

For the Badge

HTML5 CSS3 Sass JavaScript


HTML5 CSS3 Sass JavaScript

Flat Square

HTML5 CSS3 Sass JavaScript

and many more... But my favourite really is the "for-the-badge".

Advanced setup with GitHub Actions

So now we have some nice content, some badges and everthing is fine. Let's spice it up a bit more!

Many of us have a blog running (like the one you are reading now), or are content creators e.g. on YouTube. Wouldn't it be nice to have your latest posts or videos showing up in the profile? Sure it is!

Thanks to Gautam krishna R we have an absolutely awesome GitHub Action Workflow at our disposal.

Setting up the workflow

To set up the workflow you have to do some simple steps. First you have to create a folder named .github and create a workflows directory inside it. Then you must create a new file named blog-post-workflow.yml with the following contents inside this folder:

name: Latest blog post workflow
# Runs workflow automatically every hour
- cron: '0 * * * *'

name: Update README with latest blog posts
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow@master
feed_list: "yourfeedurl"

Hint: You can add as many feed urls to the feedlist as you like.

Add the following placeholder to your README.md.


The workflow will look for this segment and replace it with the fetched content.

Now you have to check everything in on your main branch and go to the GitHub repository. At the Actions tab you will now find the just defined workflow which will be executed every hour. Since you have just checked in everything, you may want to trigger the workflow at least once by hand.

Screenshot of the GitHub Actions Tab, showing how to run the latest blogpost workflow by hand

The workflow itself has much more configuration possibilities. Iy you want to dig deeper into it, just have a look at the Workflow page I linked above.


This is clearly only a start. There are a lot of workflows already out there. One other big one creates some more fancy GitHub stats than GitHub itself and many many more. For me this is just enough. Showing my blogpost is already a nice to have and helped me to get introduced to GitHub Actions.